Yes, the MARA Project has a complaint/consultation/suggestion management system available to the community.

To make a complaint/question/suggestion related to MARA Project activities, you may choose one of the following options:

• Come in person or send us this printed form [HERE] by mail to:
           – Juan Núñez del Prado 290, Edificio Office, 2do. Piso, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Pcia. de Catamarca (CP K4700BDF).
           – San Martín 978, Andalgalá, Pcia. de Catamarca.
           – Monseñor Diego Gutierrez Pedraza-Salon El Gran Portal- Estación de Servisio Refinor.
           – General Paz entre San Martin y Urquiza.
           – Planta de filtros, Ruta 302 – km 15 Dpto Cruz Alta, Tucuman.
• Send this form [HERE ]  or by e-mail to:
• Complete the form [ HERE ]

If you provide your contact information, within 24 hours you will be sent the corresponding claim/question/suggestion number so that you can follow up on it.

A response to your complaint/question/suggestion will be provided within 15 business days.

You can raise your disagreement with the response provided, explaining the reasons and your complaint/question/suggestion will be reentered for a new internal evaluation and response by the MARA Project. The number to follow up on your complaint/question/suggestion will be the same.

Yes, of course you can. Anonymous complaints/queries/suggestions will be analyzed, treated and resolved by the MARA Project in the same way. The only difference is that the resolutions will not be communicated to the persons who have made them. Nor will we ask for more information, if any additional data is necessary to better manage the claim.

“By choosing the anonymous option, the company will not be able to contact you to request further information about the case and/or inform you about the progress of your complaint, query or request. However, the company undertakes to deal with your concern in an appropriate manner”.

There is no fee associated with filing a complaint/query/suggestion.

All complaints/queries/suggestions will be treated confidentially by the MARA Project.