Building a Future Together

Minera Agua Rica - Alumbrera

Continuous progress of the project to generate value for the future.

Learn about the MARA integrated project


Mining Environmental Impact Law 24.585

Environmental protection for mining activities.

General Environmental Law 25.675

MARA Project environmental impact compliance.

Glaciers Protection Law 26.639

Glacier preservation regime and periglacial environment.

SEM Resolution 330-2016

Environmental impact compliance of MARA Project.

DIPGAM Provision 9-2020

Implementation of citizen participation procedures.

MARA project exploration information

Advanced exploration campaign in the field, under development.

The purpose is to conduct geo-metallurgical and geotechnical studies.

Obtaining field information to advance to feasibility stage.

It is in Feasibility stage, waiting to complete the advanced exploration program. Administrative and judicial permits have already been obtained.

In December 2020, the formal processes for the integration of Agua Rica with Minera Alumbrera were completed, thus reaching an important milestone in the process that the shareholders started in March 2019.

The project is making progress in the Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Report, which consider, in addition to the engineering studies relevant to the Project, gathering additional field information on geological and environmental aspects.

In addition to the global environmental experience of the partner companies, and the incorporation of industry best practices, the MARA Integrated Project is born with a double distinctive element: on the one hand, it reuses Alumbrera’s infrastructure, which is in itself a unique aspect of the project that significantly reduces the environmental footprint and, on the other hand, it incorporates community concerns and demands collected in various instances, implementing a community monitoring system. The joint effort of the project members, the community and the authorities ensures a truly responsible, sustainable and innovative mining.