What are the details related to the integration between Agua Rica and Alumbrera?

In December 2020, the formal integration processes of Agua Rica with Minera Alumbrera Limited were completed, thus reaching an important
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What will the dynamics of MARA’s development look like over the next period?

What are the future instances and timelines for submitting the final Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment? The project is

What level of socio-community development is MARA expected to have?

In addition to the global environmental experience of the partner companies, and the incorporation of industry best practices, the MARA
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What are the infrastructure needs of the project?

MARA does not need to build new infrastructure, which makes it unique for its scale. There is no need to

What do our neighbors tell us at the meetings?

Contact with the community is permanent. More than 90 percent of Agua Rica’s workers are from Catamarca, and almost 100